<p>Available exclusively from Solenis, Spectrum XD3899 microbiocide provides effective microbiological control throughout the entire papermaking process, providing a truly clean machine.</p>
<p>The microbiocide, a mild oxidizer, is proven to be more effective than strong oxidizing biocides and organic biocides. In fact, you can often achieve gains in production and sheet quality at a cost equal to or less than your existing microbiological control program.</p>
<p>In addition to improved microbiological control, paper mills using the microbiocide report the following benefits:</p>
<li>Increased production</li>
<li>Improved pulp/sheet quality</li>
<li>Reduced corrosion</li>
<li>Reduced downtime</li>
<li>Reduced costs</li>
<p>Notably, Spectrum XD3899 microbiocide is the most widely used biofilm control program in the paper industry.</p>
<h2>Automated Dosing and Control</h2>
<p>The Spectrum XD3899 microbiocide is produced on-site using patented dosing equipment and Solenis’ proprietary OnGuard™ XD monitoring and control system.</p>
<p>The dosing equipment blends an ammonium bromide solution with sodium hypochlorite and mill fresh water under required reaction conditions. This ensures 100 percent conversion of the biocide components.</p>
<p>By strictly controlling the reaction, the dosing equipment ensures that only the intended biocide is produced. The dosing equipment also automatically adjusts biocide production to correct for any variances in biocide quality.</p>
<h2>Regulatory Registration</h2>
<p>Spectrum XD3899 microbiocide is registered in accordance with federal regulations globally.</p>
<h2>More Information</h2>
<p>To learn more about Spectrum XD3899 microbiocide, or for free technical advice on your specific papermaking challenge, <a href="/en/contact/ask-expert/">ask a Solenis expert today</a>.</p>