<h2>Meet your challenges head on with our proven solutions.</h2>
<p>Wood is typically the most expensive raw material in the cellulose production process, so it’s critical to the long-term sustainability of any pulp mill to maximize the performance of processes that convert wood into wood pulp. During the cooking process, optimizing performance means achieving good liquor impregnation to achieve a uniform alkali profile and homogenous temperature inside the wood chip. Impregnation is made difficult by several factors, such as plugged wood vessels and capillaries, wood with low moisture content and inefficient air removal in the chips. Each of these, if left untreated, can result in lower yields and loss of production. </p>
<p>Cooking aids are designed to improve penetration of the cooking liquor into the wood chips by decreasing surface tension, thereby resulting in a more homogeneous cook. Solenis offers a comprehensive portfolio of products, combined with global applications expertise, and experience with all types of furnish, digesters and cooking conditions. So, whether you’re trying to improve yield, decrease white liquor consumption, improve quality, or reduce rejects, Solenis is prepared to help you achieve your goals. </p>